Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Sitecore Analytics Database Manager (ADM) Contact Outliers - No Contact IDs Displaying

I recently installed the Analytics Database Manager (ADM) v10.0.2 module on a Sitecore 10.0.0 site. After completing the setup, I noticed that the xDB Contact Outliers report failed to render the Contact ID column in the table.

When I checked the browser's console, I saw that the data was indeed present in the dataset. The challenge was that the front-end code was closed-source and compiled in Angular, making it difficult to modify.

Since the Analytics Database Manager is distributed "as is" and not supported in the scope of the Sitecore Support Program, I had to try to resolve this myself. 

I searched for the `.NumberOfInteractions` property in the compiled ADM code since it was a unique enough property related to the data set that should point me in the right direction.

Luckily, I found a hit at `\sitecore\shell\client\Applications\ADM\main.577d3292f13f80d19c29.bundle.js`.

Next to it, I found what appeared to be the definition for the Contact ID column. However, the property `.id` did not match the data object's `Id` as seen in the console (note the capitalization). 

The table populated as expected by capitalizing the `i' in `Id`.

I hope this helps anyone who may encounter the same issue.

Sitecore released new versions of the module that address this issue on February 01, 2023:

Tuesday, December 6, 2022